Tchaikovsky National Conservatory of Kiev: On 12 May 2023, a wonderful concert by the famous Italian pianist and composer Maurizio Bignone took place in the Hall named after the Hero of Ukraine Vasyl Slipak at the NMAU named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. The maestro’s beautiful Italian musical works found a response in the hearts of the Ukrainian public.

Culturemeter Odessa: “The soft, meditative smoothness is irresistibly relaxing. One finds oneself in a sense of peace, forgotten and inaccessible. His music is like an inner dialogue about everything: that important decisions can be made quietly. That our depths are unknown to ourselves. That the sea is eternal and our passions are grains of sand shaken by the wind…”

Doppiozero (Eugenio Alberti Schatz, Anna Golubovskaja): “Il pianista e compositore italiano Maurizio Bignone suonava il piano a coda e leggeva poesia, illuminato da scarne lampadine. In tutta la mia vita non ho mai sentito un silenzio simile durante un concerto. Nessun colpo di tosse. Nessuna suoneria di cellulare…”

Maurizio Bignone as composer – Textura: “Consistent with its title, Bignone’s “Obsession” Sonata exudes intense passion as it progresses through its three parts, the roiling first (“La Vecchia dell’Aceto”), the yearning second (“Luminous”), and the relentless third (“Obsession”)—the whole a brilliant showcase for the violist.”

Highlights concert 18th august 2022 at Spasimo in Palermo- Event Sold Out !!


7th November 2021: Sold Out and Standing Ovation at Театр на Чайной in Odessa !!


Salina Genna in Marsala (TP) concerto al tramonto 05/09/2020

Real Teatro Santa Cecilia in Palermo 27/10/2019

Auditorium Manenti in Crema 20/10/2019


Highlights 12th February 2023 Concert in Palermo – Real Teatro Santa Cecilia

Highlights 7th November 2021 Concert in Odessa – Sold Out

Photographs from the sunset concert at the Salina Genna in Marsala

My last single released on Spotify !!

The last video is on youtube: Flying

My Playlist is on Spotify !!

Playlist Youtube